I can happily admit that Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. No, it's not because I now work in the gift industry. And no, it's not because I'm happily married and will always have a valentine (well, maybe it is). I love this day because it's more than about showering your significant other with kisses and chocolate. For me, Valentine's Day is about reminding everyone that you love- your friends, your family, your pets- that you appreciate them, care for them and love them.
I know for a fact that the man that I married would literally do anything for anyone that would ask. I've seen him completely change his day around, on multiple occasions, just to help out a friend or family member. He makes other people a priority before thinking about himself, and although I always thought I was pretty good at that, I've learned from him that this can be accomplished on an even greater scale. One of my goals for the upcoming year is to focus a little less on what I have to do (freelance projects, housework, laundry) and a little more on what I should do (spend more time with girl friends, relax, call my little sister).
Ideally, showing appreciation and love for the small victories and blessings in life would be a daily occurrence. We all know that days are busy, hectic and stressful. Often times, I find myself at the end of my day even before I took a second to realize that it had started. So, with this Valentine's day, I vow to take a step back and really think about and appreciate not only my husband, but all of the other people in my life that I love, and would do anything for.
"The great difference between voyages rests not in ships but in the people you meet on them." [
In honor of this romantic day, let me share with you one of the best and most thoughtful gifts that I have ever received thanks to my wonderful husband:
If you know me well, you know that I have a pair of earrings and a bracelet to match every outfit. My collection has grown significantly in the past two years thanks to the expanded jewelry section at Target, the existence of Forever 21, and New York and Company's clearance jewelry rack. My organization methods were sad, to say the least. Bracelets crammed into tiny drawers, a pile of necklaces tangled on a command hook. Then, a few weeks ago, a giant box arrived at our door. A few days later, this transformation took place. (THANK YOU JUSTIN!!)
Jewelry Chaos |
Aaaaaamazing jewelry storage mirror! |
TA-DA! Perfectly organized earrings, bracelets, rings & necklaces galore! |
Thank you, thank you, and thank you again to my wonderful husband for this awesome Christmas gift. Every morning when I open it up to grab a necklace I'm remind of how lucky I am to have such a thoughtful person in my life (for my life!) Happy Valentines day, friends, I hope that you are able to take time to appreciate the love that you are blessed with, in little ways or big ways, today and every day!
Xs and Ohs,