
NY Wedding Invitations

Last night I began working on a custom-designed wedding invitation suite for my long time friend Kaira of Kair-ied Away.  She and her fiancĂ©e have an amazing sense of style, and they are doing so many unique things with their wedding (that is just a few short months away in Brooklyn, NY- yay!).  From a design perspective, I am really excited to have this opportunity to work with them, because the concept is so different from any wedding invitation that I have done before.  I am so proud of Kaira for taking chances, and making sure that the wedding reflects their personalities.  I won't share a single detail about her amazing idea until I get to show her the finished product, so in the meantime, take a sneak peek at the fun color palette that I'm using, and then head over to her blog to see some other reflections of Kaira's fabulous personal style!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can't wait! They're going to be awesome!


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