I began baking my Christmas Cookies last night. I am a bit behind schedule this year due to the fact... well, I have no idea why. I'm not a last minute kind of person when it comes to holidays. Everything else, sure. Holidays- no way. I usually have a decent amount of shopping done by the second week of December, and I spend the two weeks leading up to Christmas decorating, crafting and baking. This year, we decorated in approx. 2 days, pretty sure I only used about half of the decorations, AND I made my first batch of cookies last night.
Way behind schedule.
Either way, I am happy that I found the time to make cookies at all. Baking is a stress reliever for me. I spend so much time during the day creating things that don't tangibly exist (websites, emails, etc...) that it always feels good to actually create something that I can hold in my hands. Speaking of which- I found myself very inspired by the colorful illustrations of
this artist, so I hope to have some new art to share within the coming week... along with more cookies!
In the meantime, here's a glimpse into the process of my latest creation:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ingredients that will not be leaving my counter top until December 25th December 28th! |
Thick peanut buttery dough in my ice blue KitchenAid! |
Finished product, perfectly browned and chewy. |
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